Business Process

Business Process Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

Business Process Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

By: KHA Consulting Team - The following is part four of a four-part series on business processes, including the need for clarity, proper design, appropriate communication, and commensurate monitoring.  Business process monitoring is often the key area of failure for...

Communicating the New Business Process

Communicating the New Business Process

By: KHA Consulting Team The following is part four of a four-part series on business processes, including the need for clarity, proper design, appropriate communication, and commensurate monitoring.  Most every successful business organization we have known from the...

Business Process Design

Business Process Design

Communicating the New Business Process By: KHA Consulting Team The following is part four of a four-part series on business processes, including the need for clarity, proper design, appropriate communication, and commensurate monitoring.  I remember a time when a...

The Necessity for Clarity in Business Process Management

The Necessity for Clarity in Business Process Management

By: KHA Consulting Team The following is the first article of a four-part series on business process management, which includes the need for clarity, proper design, appropriate communication, and commensurate monitoring. We meet with executives and owners of small to...